Daniel's Blog

Yet Another Reading List

2 min read | Last Updated: November 08, 2020

I’ve done a lot of reading lately (and less writing!), and I thought, hey I could share a list with top 5 engineering leadership books!

Suggested reading for engineering leaders

The Manager’s Path

Great book by Camille Fournier covering all levels of technical leadership, even if you are not interested in management. Recommended for people on the start of their careers or seasoned veterans that want a refresher or some new ideas. Link.

Resilient Management by Lara Hogan

Written by Lara Hogan, this one focuses more on the engineering manager running a team. This one will give you quite a bit of homework, but it’s a great book showing the necessary compassion and skills to lead teams. The book touches directly and indirectly on points from the post on emotional intelligence. Web of the book.

Unleash the power of storytelling by Rob Biesenbach

Wait, a book about storytelling in a reading list for engineering leaders? Yup, do not underestimate the power of crafting stories to deliver messages that resonate like mentioned on the feedback as story post. Link.

Peopleware by Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister

This classic (revised 2013, published 1987!) is one of the first books on the soft side of software development and focuses a lot on the organisation side of engineering. A recommended reading with a lot of points that still apply today. Link.

97 Things Every Engineering Manager Should Know

Edited by Camille Fournier (same as Manager’s Path above), this book collects stories and advice from engineering leaders. It touches on many subjects high level and has given me plenty of tools and ideas to try out. I got a lot of inspiration from this one. Link.

97 Things Every Engineering Manager Should Know

Note: Non-affiliate, UK links. I just want you to read the books!

Written by Daniel Lopez Rovira who likes talking about engineering stuff.

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