Daniel's Blog

Hello World

1 min read | Last Updated: July 25, 2020

I always felt passionate about working to and maintaining an awesome company culture. I tend to gravitate towards that whether officially part of my role or not (which I confess I have gotten into trouble for it!). With this blog so I can share my thoughts and stories with everyone if you are up for it. Writing is something I wanted to do for quite a bit of time.

Expect topics about engineering, leadership, management and of course, culture. At some point, I will probably go a bit more deeply into “what is culture”, but I’m going to leave it with this quote from Spotify.

If vision is where you are going, culture is what makes sure you can get there.

I’ll see you soon!

Update: The blog has been rebooted now with a more minimalist view. I’m currently introducing the concept of Digital Gardens 🌱

Written by Daniel Lopez Rovira who likes talking about engineering stuff.

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